Events at UID-DER: “Forward to Struggle with the Spirit of May Day Against the Attacks of Capital and the Government!”

As the International Day of Unity, Struggle and Solidarity of the Working Class, May Day, approaches, UID-DER held events in its local offices under the title “Forward to Struggle with the Spirit of May Day Against the Attacks of Capital and the Government! The meetings, which took place on 20 and 21 April, brought together workers from every sector, trade union officials, workplace representatives, working women and young people.
The events emphasised that May Day, which has a 138-year history, is not only a symbol of the struggle for the 8-hour day, but also of the struggle of the world working class for a world of equality, freedom, peace and brotherhood. “Hail to those who created this tradition and to those who carry the torch of May Day from the past to the present,” it was said. The May Day anthem was enthusiastically sung.
A short video showing the economic and political attacks of the capitalist class and the government against the workers was shown and a call for unity and struggle against these attacks was made.
The UID-DER music ensemble UMUT was accompanied by a choir of working women and children from different branches. The children of UID-DER workers who sang “We will see beautiful days, children” were applauded with great enthusiasm.
The event included a video in which fraternal organisations and class brothers and sisters from France, Japan, Italy, the Philippines and Canada sent their messages of solidarity. Struggling workers from different countries greeted the UID-DER workers in the spirit of May Day. They expressed their determination to fight against capitalist exploitation and imperialist war together with the Turkish workers and workers from all over the world.
In the presentation, workers, youth, pensioners and working women were called to shoulder the struggle with the following words “In the local elections on 31 March, millions of working people showed their protest against being crushed under the high cost of living and inflation, against the usurpation of their rights and oppression. But we know that the government will continue its attacks on workers' rights and its economic and political attacks. We must not limit our protest to the ballot box, but turn it into an organised force. As UID-DER, we once again call on you, our fellow workers, to unite and fight against the attacks of capital and the government”.
At the end of the events, the slogans “Long live Mayday! Long live the International Day of the Unity, Struggle and Solidarity of the Working Class!” were chanted and the anthem of the workers' solidarity performed by the UMUT was sung in unison.